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We are scientists

I am a scientist. I pursue and apply knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world. I am curious and investigate practical activities like making my own circuits for electricity, investigating using different materials and exploring a selection of experiments. As a scientist I know how important it is to care, show respect and take responsibility for our world, I am a steward of the earth. I understand how to persevere with my learning and support my peers through care and respect, whilst maintaining the ability to explore curiosity and experiments safely and respectfully.

As a scientist I will acquire a wide variety of skills linked to both scientific knowledge and understanding. Through practical exploration I will gather skills to investigate my own lines of enquiry and be able to predict, review and record my thinking. As a scientist I will develop a rich vocabulary which will enable me to articulate an understanding of taught concepts. As a scientist I will develop an understanding of the world around me and the importance of our environment. I will have high aspirations, which will see me through to further study, work and a successful adult life.

Please click below for more information about what is taught in science in each class.  This link will take you to the class pages